October is Down syndrome awareness month , so like I do every single day, I am thinking about Wes. Specifically, I'm thinking about how amazingly supportive my face-to-face friends and my Facebook friends have been over Wes and Down syndrome in general. People always comment when I post pictures of Wes or when I talk about things that we've done with him. But one of the things that is said most frequently is either, "THEY are always so happy!" or "HE is always so happy." I'm not really offended by it, but it stirs up a little something in me that I think I need to put in words. And please, I get it! When someone says that about a person who has Down syndrome, I realize they are saying it with love and compassion...letting me know th at not only do they "see' me and "see" Wes, but that they acknowledge and support us. The intention is good and pure and positive. But let's talk just a minute about the truth...the truth abou...