Today has brought on some very new and interesting insights. I want to start with my daughter. As I said earlier, Jaime and I have always been very close. But I've always thought of her even at this age as "my little girl." I know. Kind of silly. I mean, she is 35 years old. But it's a mom thing. So when she and Ryan got pregnant, I still thought like that. And I thought that way when she called with this news of Down syndrome--I needed to be the comforting mom. But in the past 48 hours something has completely changed. I see her now for the amazing woman she has become. She has taken this news and just run with it! She's made contacts and done research; she's cried; she's rebounded. But most of all I have sensed this intense resolve...a tangible change I can feel through the phone. I am in awe! And I am so very proud! She and Ryan have GOT this! :)
May 12, 2015 This is my first blog. It's called "Loving Baby J." So I think I'll start by telling you who Baby J is. Baby J. is my soon-to-be grandson--our first grandchild! And Baby J. has Down syndrome. I think I'd better start at the beginning. We've been hoping for a grandchild for a very long time, as our two children are in their mid- to late thirties. Christmas Day of 2014 we got the long-anticipated phone call. Our daughter and son-in-law had just discovered they were pregnant! I can't even describe the excitement and anticipation we felt, even though it was very, very early in the pregnancy. There were some ups and downs over the next couple months for our daughter (not us--we remained ecstatic!). She worried about carrying a baby at age 34-35, but when she saw her first ultrasound pictures, she made it over that worry hump. In fact, she was so much over the worry that we both started buying lots of ...
Love this.